Raymond Lacroix

Web Design for your Business or Non-profit Organization
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WebDesigns by/par Raymond Lacroix – based in Cornwall, Ontario, CanadaA Website Design Company with Creativity & Excellent Costumer ServiceYour Goal is To Achieve… My Goal is To Help You Achieve! As a web design I offer:
affordable website design, shopping cart web design, search engine optimization and website hosting for small and medium-sized businesses and especially not-for-profit organizations. At WebDesigns by/par Raymond Lacroix, I listen to your needs before I even start on a project and then I follow up by producing a website that communicates effectively with your target audience.

About Me

Raymond M. Lacroix

Education ::
University of Western Ontario State University at Potsdam New York Université de Sherbrooke Bachelor of Music (Mus. Education) Associateship in performance (Clarinet) Masters in Music Education Bachelor in Theology (December 2000)

Professional experience ::
Teacher – Upper Canada District School Board, High school music teacher, department head and supervisor High school French Imm. teacher, dept. head and supervisor Teacher at Queen’s University (Music), Teacher at Ottawa University (Music), Teacher of several mini computer courses for Industry Canada at the Ingleside CAP sites, Coordinator of the Ingleside CAP Project with 4 Industry Canada CAP sites, Coordinator of the “Access To Tomorrow inc.” ISP company in the Cornwall, Ontario with full responsibilities for the business, Area representative of the University of Sherbrooke (theology)

Languages ::
French & English

Community activities ::
Chess Coach, Volleyball Coach, Internet coaching for Community Access Programs (Industry Canada), Bible instructor, President of the French radio station CHOD FM, Family Council Facilitator for 11 Long Term Care Homes.

Extracurricular activities ::
Performed in community musical groups, guest coach in music for the Air Cadets in Cornwall

Hobbies ::
Chess, music, theology, computers, web page design and ISP technician

Volunteer experience ::
Running Chess Tournaments in the province of Ontario for the past 28 years; Champlain Area Facilitator in Long Term Care’s Family Councils; Member of the Grant Review Team for the Trillium Foundation; presenting Bible courses.

Wed Designing ::
Due to being involved extensively with many organizations, especially not-for-profit, I found myself paying a fortune to have my websites built by others. I decided to purchase a package from Godaddy.com and host all of my sites. I now work with WordPress (for people who wish to maintain their own site) and RapidWeaver (the client supplies me the information and I do all).